2016 is almost ending and I'm just full of sighs. In just 13 weeks or more, I've learnt a lot from my school life.
1. Don't trust people easily - I might have thought that having gone through many projects and experiences together, my friend and I would have gotten closer. Boy was I wrong. They may be all smiles but behind my back, they are plotting things for their very own interest. It's definitely human nature to want things to be in their own favor so I can't blame them for not discussing issues with me. Leaving me out for 3 months... Honestly, I've reached a point where I do not care about people who don't return the effort I put in them. They just aren't worth it.
2. Sometimes, trying to correct a mistake make it worse instead - I've learnt this disastrous lesson during the hall camp as stated in an earlier post. I've regretted it yet I don't know if not doing anything about it is equally bad as well.
3. Some things just aren't meant to be. The fact that the people I like are attached or don't swing that way unfortunately just means that we just aren't meant to be together. The right one will come along.
4. Life is an irony. What comes round comes again. I really had a heart attack when I saw that I have two of the same classes as the guy in camp. THE SAME GUY. What are the chances?!?!?! How am I going to concentrate on lessons with him around? Should I ignore him/ face him and tell him the truth? Will it make it worse anyway? Or is it just to make myself better yet becoming EVEN more awkward? He already is onto a girl (my senior who might be two faced but I'm just going to give her a benefit of doubt). I'm so confused. If only life is a book and I know what will happen next.
5. What is the point of faking things? I'm still pondering about this. So that it won't be hurtful to another person even if you don't like him? What about faking friendship?
6. Don't let people take advantage of you - I was in disbelief when a guy I barely know came to me and asked for my extra exam questions. AND EVEN MORE SO that I didn't question him and let him put his thumbdrive into my laptop and transferred the data for him. He's legit thick skinned...
7. Some people just don't give a reason why they leave your life. You just don't know if you did something wrong or not. Just remember to reflect upon myself, and improve from there.
8. Regardless, I will get hurt again and again but I just need to suck it up and move on.
Well, it just isn't all negatives uh! I've had the privilege to experience some brotherhood and it was truly fun last semester. Even my classmates were amazing (except a few). I guess nothing is forever. Next semester will be full of anxiety and I don't know what to do.
A few things to note:
1) Have an end goal in mind. What do I want? Complete my degree (although getting a job is more of my primary concern tbh)
2) Be appreciative towards my friends - do not put in more effort than what you get back
3) My results are important. I need to know how to balance my time, as well as start studying sooner than later to put less stress on myself.
4) Be thankful for the privileges I have. I read online that privileges can mean things that are out of your control. Like my parents. My parents just happen to be hardworking and supportive, although their naggings are a whole new level - can you imagine getting nagged for 1.5 hrs and that is just the bare minimum?
5) I need to be healthy. I feel that I'm losing strength. Need to exercise to get rid of my stress. Eat healthily... Also in preparation for the crazy semester ahead.
6) Fulfill my gender job since my family is traditional. Can't say that my husband will not be traditional...