Sunday, December 1, 2019

New Chapter

It is over, and I'm flipping to a new page of my story.

It's crazy how time flew so quickly. I've experienced so much and learnt so much about myself and from others. Here's a few things that I believe everyone should remember:

1) That the world needs more kind people, so don't be afraid to show kindness towards others (not to the extent of being a pushover btw). 

2) This quote from a good friend has really, really, really saved me countless of times when I was full of doubt, in a turmoil, or depressed. I'm sharing this with you and I hope that it saves you as much as it saved me. 

You're strong, you're precious and you're irreplaceable for me no matter what people say about you.

So keep pushing on. The dark times will most definitely pass. Rely on your friends and family for support if you have to. You're not late for anything, you just need more time - hence late bloomer.

3) No one is perfect. And that in itself, is perfect. So don't think you're a broken fish in an ocean full of fishes. Somehow, even if you lack something, every fishes will lack something. In the end, you will have something special about yourself that somebody needs. 

4) Life goes on. You cannot cling on to everyone you are friends with, but you can show them your appreciation. Everyone deserves to hear kind words from someone. 

That's all I can think of at the moment. Will add on when I recall more, to remind myself while I move on.