Sunday, August 14, 2022

Table of Reasoning

Reasons why I want to quit:

1. Manager:
- Nothing I can learn from Manager. She's not as knowledgeable as other managers in this industry. 
- Overdependent on me. No support from her in terms of ops side (except only when I'm sick the past 2 days)
- I will have to live with her for at least 4 months. Okay, not too bad, just a little more to hang on.
- Doesn't set clear boundaries with the clients ie. Tell client that we are stretched, we cannot do this and that. 
- Overpromise clients and expects me to clean up after her.
- Says she has "no time" to do report together because she has to do xxx number of things that are ridiculous, because it is within her responsibility as a manager to do it. It is also about the same as what I do on a daily basis.
- Talk only, inefficient in doing things: while I'm trying to clear as many tasks as possible
- Promised that she would keep track of convo during my birthday; but did not.
- Expect me to work as she wants me to "ping" her after office hours.

2. Clients: 
- Demanding clients with no clear sense of SLA and what is impossible.
- No respect for our personal time
- Expects things to be done swee swee when there's only 2 humans in charge of 11 people


1. Quit during probation
- 1 month notice period

- No job secured yet

2. Transfer to another team
- Bigger team + friend
- Better (?) managers
- Continue to learn more about media industry

- not sure about clients
- chemistry with manager too?
- banking: not sure what I'd learn from there too. 
- role: is it the same as what I'm doing now?

3. Hang on for another 1 mth while I find another job
- better chances of securing a better job

- 3 months notice period instead
- will go into the festive period of death

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