1. New life experience
2. Immersion in Japanese Culture and Way of Life
3. Empowerment i.e. freedom to do what I want (outside of work hours)
4. Break from heartache, anxiety, family triggers, pressure for relationship
5. Independence by living alone
6. Tarot videos/ reading says it's a gift from the Universe to set the groundwork for better things to come
7. Travel around during the program (more time)
8. Learning Japanese language (thrown there)
9. Can use this to show my versatility/ adaptability + knowledge of japanese market in resume for global companies
1. Lack of financial independence (cuz salary is low)
2. Lack of emotional support (but can form one over there)
3. Environment differences I.e. earthquakes, etc
4. Change in career I.e. teaching. Don't know if I can cope with children/teenagers/ different social expectations
5. Lose my current job which is currently higher paying but lack of fulfilment, and doing a pay cut
6. Blacklist from a reputable company which may not look good in resume
7. Away from my family (lose time with my mom, fam in general)
8. Putting relationships on hold (smaller pool of compatible guys when I'm back)
9. Lower salary when I'm back (may be harder to secure a job unless I play the global market knowledge cards...?)
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