Sunday, January 16, 2011

Teachers' Ratings

HEYHEY. I AM BACKKK~! :))) Okay. This is like, hm. Tomorrow is the 1st day of the 3rd week of sec 2 life. PUH-LEASE. I WANNA DIIIEEE ><"""

Form Teacher [Ms Azilah] - GOOD (Y) Veryyy nice :)
Eng Teacher [Mr Yip] - soso. =.= He's my previous art teacher you know. ARGH.
Art Teacher [Ms Tan] - hm. timid, but also okok. xD
Maths Teacher [???] - Quite. okay accept why does she need calculator to teach Maths ==
Science Teacher [???] - Nice, but... WTH IS ALL THE WEIRD BLAHBLAH SHE TEACHES US?
History Teacher [Mr Tham] - Same as last year. Very nice, but not very nice when comes to essays like TEAQ and yeah.
Chinese Teacher [Peng lao shi] - Same as last year too. soso. I can slack in her class :)
PE [Mr Cheng] - Niiceee. but not so nice when comes to pumping T.T

Yeah, thats about all. :") Please. Let me pull through this year thank you very much.

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